Inventory is done and over but I'm still feeling very stressed at work. I was talking to our new manager over the phone today and we both agree that there really isn't a team atphmosphere in the store and I think that is a big part of why I'm so frustrated at work right now. Needless to say I was really looking forward to today as it was my day off, even though I was just off Monday. I was really excited for today because I had decided I was going to reorganize my room! Tu, my roomate since May moved out last week so I had a whole empty room again, so I decied to put my computer back in the room and make it my little office. I finally got ride of my old hunk of junk of a computer and have so much room on my desk now it's fantastic. I'm sure i'll fill it up with junk in no time but at least the space is there. My bedroom is also much roomier now as I don't have the desk in the room taking up all that space. Ya more room to thorough my clothes on the ground!!!
After I got my rooms all set up, I spent most of my day goofing around. By the end of my shift last night, my feet were killing me so I decided it was time to get some new work shoes, 6 months of 50 hours a week is alot for a pair of shoes. At the gym today I realized I also hadn't bought a new pair of running shoes in almost two years and there were starting to look pretty worn. I spent about 4 hours shopping for new shoes and finally found a pair of runners for both work and the gym at the same place. All and all it was a good day, just not long enough, I didn't really get to relax all that much, and now i'm trying to prepare my christmas list because before you know it.. that will be here too.
2 weeks ago
Thanks for the multiplicity of supportive and funny comments over at my blog.
Glad you enjoyed your day off. Wish Tu luck in his new adventures.
Maybe work will get you new shoes as they ruined the last pair
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