I’ve been in a bloging dry spell for quite some time. I haven’t even been able to keep up with friends’ blogs and see how they are doing. What have I been up to, you ask? Well, that is part of the problem, I don’t know. I haven’t been doing anything different then when I was able to blog once or twice a week. I’m still playing soccer once a week, I’m stil working my crazy 47 and a half hours every week and I’m still making it to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. My schedule is essentially the same as it was all summer, and yet somehow, I have much less time and for a lot of things. My house hasn’t been cleaned in so long I don’t remember what my floor looks like, I haven’t seen much of my friends, my e-mails are piling up and I’m ALWAYS tired! I’m not sure what it is, but every year around this time, I feel like I lose 3 extra hours out of every day. Okay maybe it’s only an hour but still. I don’t understand where those 7 hours a week go. I get up at the same time, I go to bed at the same time and yet they just totally disappear. If anyone has any idea how I could find these hours, could you please let me know!
2 weeks ago
Well, I am in the same boat as you with that whole housecleaning deal.
Hmmm, I think you are like me and really need the superpower where you can stop time when needed.
And that is what I want for Christmas.
I am the smae too. I find that my days shorten in the fall - and not literally the daylight. I want to blog more, and to spend more time with friends and to aknowledge life, bu t i have no time.
Maybe when you clean the floors you will find those 7 hours hidden under your bed.
Are you EVER going to update the blog?
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