I can't really remember what I was going to write about in my supposed 3rd holiday post. I did work on boxing day which was nutso. I forgot how much shoppers attitudes change in that day they can't be shopping. They go from being normal, all be it a bit demanding and sometimes up tight, but neat and tidy at least. To tearing everything apart, and throwing everything on the floor. Not to mention not willing to pay more then $5 for any one item. The actual week between Christmas and New Years was far more stressful and annoying then the 2 months leading up to Christmas. It's funny to because I really do forget that every year. Luckily that week is a short one, I only ended up working for 3 days, but I think that is part of the problem because you can't get anything accomplished. I should have actually worked 4 days also but was sick on New Years Eve day. I wasn't to worried about calling in sick because we all figured it would be dead at the stores be we were very wrong. Apparently there was something very crutial to the New Years Party at Linens n' Things.
So I spent my New Years Eve Day in bed hoping to allow my self to at least me social for some of the night. It worked to some extent. I had a good time and was able to participate in the Wii playing we did as a group as well as the drinking but I also slept most of New Years Day away and still really don't fell like I've totally kicked the illness... uggg... Very frustrating!
So now that I'm caught up I'll share with you my fun day today. Today was the day I finally got my Passport together. I had gone down to the office last week but meet up with a co-worker and was told that the line was 2 hours long. However if I filled out the form online, I could be rushed to the front of the line and avoid waiting that long. I came home and tried to fill out the form which I wrote about last week but really to no avail. Since the guarantor still has to sign that form and all the people I know who are eligible to do so live near my parents, I opted not to take the drive back and suck up the waiting. I prepared myself today, had my book with me and a bottle of water and got to the office around 11. A lot of people had told me that I should go as early as a good to avoid waiting as much but I really needed to sleep and didn't have much else I needed to do today so I figured I would stick it out. When I got through the pre check they said it would be about an hour to an hour and a half. I was 100 numbers down. I waited patiently, in the same seat, which is amazing for me, for over 2 hours, finally got to the front of the line, to find out that the pictures that I had were no good because you could see my teeth. No, not that I had smiled or even really opened my mouth, but the way my lips were, there was a tiny gap and you could see the tiniest bit of my teeth. So of course I'm a little frustrated with myself. I've been sitting with everything ready since September but just never bother to make it enough of a priority to set something else aside and make sure I had the money to cover it. Now I'm rushing at the last minute to get this taken care of. Another bad stroke for procrastination. So luckily I was given a special paper which allowed me to skip to the front of the line when I came back with new pictures. I went back to my car, where I found a parking ticket! Guess while I was waiting, I should have come down and added money to the meter considering I only had enough change for 20 min. I headed to the mall near by, grabbed some grub and got my second pictures taken. I got back to the passport office, payed an extra 10 bucks and am guaranteed to get my passport delivered there on the 9th of February, 10 days before my flight... thank god.
So the though part is over and now it's back to the fun part of planning. I have the weekend off so I should be able to finish reading my Britain book and decided where I really really want to go. Sunday I'm going to meet with my traveling partner Dianne and were are going to make some decisions and do some booking!!
2 weeks ago
Gahhhhhhhhh!!!!! That waiting for hours and then getting rejected because of a little gap in your teeth would be the worst! Then a parking trip on top!! Grrr!!! Oh well, all's well that ends well.
Did you bring a good book with you?
Glad that my tequila for breakfast story picked you up.
took me a while to get through holidays 1-3. Glad the fam visit went well.....always a stressful moment. Next time we are together i will share my story of Jay's family.....needless tosay - there was wine, and i drank it
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