I'm feeling pressure from my friend Joanna to increase the blog posting as she as just started a blog as well and has quite a few posts up. Today I choose to write about my sister's 19th birthday.
I am the oldest of four kids; with two brothers and one sister and 8 years between me and her as the youngest. Way back when, when i first found out my mom was pregnant again, I was so excited at the prospect of finally getting a sister as I had been putting up with two boys for what felt like a very long time. When she was finally born, I was still very excited and she was an adorable child. I even got to help name her. Those fellings lasted for about 3 years. Between the time she was 4 till she was 10 I was very annoyed with her, at all times! She had the tendancy to be very clingy and I can remember spefic times when my friends, or even some of my brothers' friends, would come over and she would maul them, quite literlaly. I found it irritating and hard to handle. But after I moved out, and went to college, I saw her less frequently so she got on my nerves that much less, but I still never really considered her a friend. Over the last year or so, I feel like we've both really grown up and become more and more like friends. I even went out with her for her 19th birthday this past Sunday. When she asked me a few weeks ago if her and her friends could come down to Waterloo and stay the night if they went out, I assumed i would just stay home as I had to work the next day rather earily , and don't do well on little sleep. (it's amazing how bad it gets when you get older) Anyway things got changed around and I ended up with Monday off so I decided I would tag along with them and having a good time.
It took us a while, but we finally decided where to go, as it was a sunday night and we figured we'd be limited in options so we thought we would start at a pub, grab some food and then wander around downtown waterloo and see what else was open. At every place we hit she would drink more and more, by the end of the night, we had gone to 5 bars, she had had 10 drinks and 5 shots and was still a very reasonable drunk. She claimed she could walk stright but i think that was pushing it a bit. Still no falling down, no passing out and no vomitting, even despite the praire fire, jajermister and the goldshlager shots I bought her. But at the very least, she had a really good time. The final bar we hit was a slimy little country with, you guessed it, Karokee. Her and one of her friends got up and sang a few songs, they even made friends with a group of guys that were there and ended up singing and dancing with them for a few songs too. We were able to get out of there, the whole group in tack and happy!!
Happy Birthday Jan
2 weeks ago
I remember her mauling Christa for what seemed like an hour. Your sis was a cruise-azy kid!
Okay, 10 drinks and 5 shots including a prairie fire, goldsclager and jagermeister would have had me behaving like, well, prolly much like I did at my infamous 19th bday.
Oh my god, she is 19!?! I'm old.
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