So it's been a while since I wrote anything in my blog. I've been trying to figure out why and I've come up with a few reasons. First I went on a mini vacation with Andrew to Niagara Falls. I had 3 days off work in a row and it was a really nice relaxing time. We thought we would be smart and head up the Saturday afternoon and stay till the monday afternoon. It worked out well because there was less people around (at the hotel anyway) and we got the room fairly cheap on the sunday night. We decided to go to Clifton Hill on Saturday which was kinda silly because it was a zoo. But still fun!
So back to my excuses, because of the 3 days in a row off, I had to work the next 7 in a row which tends to be a little taxing.... ahhh the problems with only having 2 weeks vacation and wanting to use it to go across the ocean.
So my day off was this Tuesday and I went to my parents house. I always enjoy being there because it's such a relaxing place to be. Nice and quite area in the country. No one to bother you unless you choose to see people. Plus they have a really nice yard and pool and my mom always finds a way to keep the house super cool, even in the dead heat of summer. The hole reason I went home was because I had a Doctor's appointment and I also had my car into the mechanics to get it's check up as well. I realized how long it's been since I've been home because there were so many changes... and in the country, things don't change that fast. First of all they FINALLY paved the entire road between the highway and my parents place. And they had pretty much the hole thing completed which typically takes them the entire summer, government workers of course.
The church my family goes to, also finally tore down the parish hall which had been condemned for about 3 years now, so really it was about time. It was just awkward seeing this empty space where the yellow building used to be!
They also tore down the baseball diamond that we used to play on as kids. I saw this new development the last time I was home. But they have now built 3 more soccer fields in the space where they diamond was. Turns out there is a HUGE craving for kids soccer in rural Ontario. The new fields were all for the little guys, 5 and 6 years old so they were really small fields. I ended up watching the game that 2 of my cousins played in and it was really cute. There was really only one player on each team who was actually interested in playing, of course on of the older ones, but my cousin was one of them and he was quite good. Made some excellent shots and some really good deaks. Of course it's not very difficultly to deak around someone who was just picking the grass but he still had some good moves!!
So my other excuses for not bloging this week are that I've been sooooooooooooo bloody tired. I went to bed at like 9 two nights in a row and still felt like I was dragging my ass around all day. I even attempted going to the gym one day. I figured that once I got going, I would kinda wake up, but no such luck!! I ended up going to they gym again today and having a great workout and feeling fantastic because of it!! Mmmm maybe I'll attempt to take on the world now!
2 weeks ago