So I'm not much of a book reviewer but I just finished reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and before that I had read the DiVinci code so felt it was important for me to comment on these things.
I was quite excited to read the divines Code. My dad had read it and really enjoyed it, as well as a lot of my friends. The hype surrounding the new movie that came out while I was half way thought the book was also a good motivator. I found the book very interesting especially in terms of hearing about that part of history from another side of the story. I was raised in a strict catholic family, went to a straight laced catholic elementary school, hung out only with people from my church / school and really didn't get invovled with people of other backgrounds until I was in College so my experiences slash knowledge of certain things was very limited. It was refreshing to hear of something different without having to read some boring journal or newspaper article, which I don't read much of.
For the most part I thought the book was a rather exciting concept. In fact, at some point in the middle, I was so excited that I was late for work one day because I couldn't put the book down. But then I found that it dragged on for about 3 chapters, then pick up a bit again, then drag. Overall I enjoyed the book but I think I was just not used to his writing style.
As for Angels and Demons, I went though rollercoaster feelings about it as well. There were parts that I thought were very interesting, then I thought there were parts that could have been interesting but the way he had written them were just weird and then there were parts that I just couldn't grasp. Not because of lack of understanding but more because of lack of acceptance because it didn't fit in with what I believe. I also have to say that then end of the book, with the two in the Hotel Room was really dumb! It felt like they just got together because they were of the opposite sex and happened to be in the same place at the same time.
So really, I guess a book that can create that many different emotions and responses can't be bad at all!
2 weeks ago
I was never able to get through Angels & Demons - I got stuck on page 90 or so...
I just finished reading a really good memoir called "The Glass Castle". It's totally different and weird, but perhaps you'll like it. It kept me interested.
I read both the books....and I didn't really like angels and demons. I found it hard to get through and very gorry in sections. I would not reccomened it
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