So this post is more of a plee for help then anything else. My internet is RETARDED! Sorry if that word offends anyone. At my old job, one of the ladies was pregnant and got really made when I said that cus she thought her baby would become mental challanged if I kept saying, pregnat women, jeez! But back to my crisis. About 80% percent of the time that i'm on the web, I keep getting an error message, saying the website can't be found, no matter what site it is!!
Sometimes it's just a problem on Yahoo, sometimes just one or two sites, and sometimes it's everything. I have ultra lite high speed and i'm not sure if I upgrade, if that will solve the problem or just mean that i'm paying more for the same crap. I also live in a very old house and thought that maybe it was the orignial connection, but they've just replaced that so that theroy is out... Any ideas on how to solve the problem, please... let me know!!
Side note... please forgive the horrid spelling, the spell check on Blogger isn't work and I don't have my wordproceessing program up... i'm very sorry Christy
2 weeks ago
I have no luck with computers - - I apparently angered Bill Gates at some point in my life. I would google your problem - if you can get to google.....or I would call your provider and tell them it is fixed for ree within a few days or you will cancel your service with them....this usually works for me - - I am a bitcher though....and I like things for free.
Maybe you angered Bill Gates too Jo... Hmmm... I really don't know what the problem could be... I like Sandee's idea of threatening to switch.
My friend Mathew used to have tonnes of problems with Rogers then switched to Bell. My sympatico's not perfect, but I don't have very many problems.
what kind of internet provider to you have? are you using wireless? it might be that your connection is dropping. do you notice any messages popping up in the lower right corner where your clock is? are little icons getting x-ed out? if non of that is happening, i suspect it might be the dns servers for your provider. you can post more details... and i'll try and help you out.
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