So I think someone, somewhere, is trying to tell me that I need to learn how to improve my teamwork skills or find a way to influence others to work together. Last night we had the worst soccer game of my life! The team almost literally imploded! There were at least 3 players who wanted to walk off the field, myself being one of them. It wasn't so much that we played horribly, my skill level wasn't up to par, and there were a few others who weren't playing their best games but it was more the issue that we weren't playing together. There was about 6 mini games going on the field but it was all with in our team. It was really disgusting. There were points that we were just yelling at each other which really doesn't help with the team building aspect of things. And then their were the stupid, fundamental mistakes, like passing back with in your own end when your constantly getting beat by the offence to the ball, all the passing going into spaces that were closer to the opposition then to our own team mates which obviously meant that we lost a lot of chances. But the fact that we fought with in our selves for 90% of the game made it the most frustrating of all.
This is not the only area of my life where I am finding team work an issue. I was just recently transferred in my job to a new store, where on the management team of 7 there seems to be 2 who push the other 5's buttons to the point that they don't even bother trying to help out the team members that the do like. It also makes for a really frustrating environment, and I'm having a hard time rising above it, and keeping positive. I'm finding myself getting really involved in gossip and being worried about the actions of others instead of only dealing with what I have to worry about. So maybe that is the real lesson, keeping myself from getting involved in the gossip and other bull that I really don't care about.
2 weeks ago
Work gossip is a tricky issue. I found that I used to stay away from gossip at school, but lately, I've been listening to a lot of it. Which is tricky, 'cuz I have to make sure I don't really start gossiping myself 'cuz I could put myself in a tricky situation.
Hope your teams improve!
Hello? New post! Where are you??
Oh and ps, I didn't spoil The Office for you. I just said what I *think* is going to happen this season...
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