So I've finaly caved to the pressure and joined the bloging Community. My friends have been bloging for quite some time and I enjoy reading there posts so I thought I should just start up my own too. Hopefully I'll be half as interesting as they are.
I'll give you a little background on my. I grew up in small town Ontario, just outside of Stratford. I have 2 younger brothers and a younger sister whom I get along with very well, now that we don't live together. I live in a house in Waterloo, with my friend (who just moved in today) but have been living by myself for the last 2 years so this could be an interesting change. I've recently gone though some interesting life changes (4 jobs In the last year) but fell like I've finally come back to my calling as a junior manager for a big box retail store, where I hope to someday run my own store. I enjoy sports and outdoor activities like rollerblading, definitely my fav thing to do in the Spring and Summer!!
Well I think that's enough of an intro, till next time.
2 weeks ago
Hee hee hee! I'm your first comment ever!! Booyah!
I will add you to the ol' blogroll at my blog.
Any of your other friends, besides me and Sandee, keep blogs? Oh I guess Matt does...
Ya JO!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome to the blogging world!! I can't wait to read your blogs.
I would add you to my blog as a go to person, if I had a clue how.
ha ha ha - just came to see if there was a new blog, and I read it as bowling to pressure, not bowing .....just realized today - - I thought you started bowling - he he
Your fans have spoken.
Welcome to the blogging world. I look forward to your posts.
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