Thursday, June 29, 2006

Volleyball fun

So I had wanted to write about this last week but with the computer issuses I was having I just didn't get a chance. The "spring" beach volleyball season ended last week. We were in the 13th place game and ended up losing, coming in 14th. However, it seems that the team has finally been convinced to enjoy a beverage or two after the game, of course it's at the end of the season, but it was still enjoyable. The bar that we most often go to, gives out free nachos to groups of 6 from teams that show up as well as a free burger or sausage to every play who comes. Our group was sitting out side and got a plate of nachos, enjoyed our burgers and beverages but decided to head inside as there was presentaions for the winning teams. Just our luck, when we switched tables, and managed to get a second free plate of nachos!! Wohooo! We sat around, listen to the presentations, marveled over the prises and stated that we would get them from the summer season, then left on our marry way. All in all it was a good time. It was fun to meet and hang out with some new people. Our summer team is esentailly the same except for two of the guys decided not to play with us, which is kind of dissapointing cus they were quite fun. They showed up to our last game drunk, pushing each other down the hill towards the court in a shopping cart. Just to give you an idea of some of their antics.
I've included a picture of the team from the second last game of the season

On a side note, the "summer" team did go out for drinks tonight so it looks like the tradition should continue!

Excuses, excuses, excuses!

So I haven't posted in over a week but I swear it's all because I couldn't get online. I got my new computer over a week ago now and had it up and running right when I got it home. The next day however, I tried and the connection could not be found. I had to resort to the beast to get my e-mail, check my banking ect and spent any free time I had trying to figure out why I couldn't get online. So Tuesday I had the day off and spent most of the evening talking to Andrew's roomate trying to figure out what was wrong cus he is the network pro. Even he couldn't see a soultion because the modem was finding my computer and the computer was finding the modem but it just wasn't working. I broke down yesterday morning and called Rogers, who was of no help either. I went digging for my old router, which i finally found and then last night, Tu and I got both of our computers set up online! I even got to start downloading stuff today, quite fun. It's still being a little saucy but for the most part it is working so that is good news! Turns out the majority of my problem stemed from the movement of the original connection when Tu moved in, we've now got the router and modem set up in the orignal place, instead of paying rogers, 35 bucks to come in and change it, jerks, and everything is working okay!
This should mean more posting from me...yah! I just have to get the new accesories that I need like my wireless card and router then will be all high tech and stuff.
Happy Thursday to you all

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Finally caught up to Technology!! Well sort of :)

So two weeks ago while Andrew and I were shopping, we happened upon this little computer store with really great service (the remembered him from a year ago when he had bought stuff there) and really great prices on computers. I had been thinking about upgrading for a while before that because I've had my machine since I started college in 1999 and it's ridiculously old, slow, and stupid, not to mention totally incompatible with anything! I was worried about the cost and didn't think a new computer would be in my budget, especially since I wanted to get a laptop, I figured I wouldn't be able to find one for under $1000. So when we found this store I got quite excited.
Yesterday we went back to see exactly what they had available, the spec of the machines and of course cost. We left with a flyer and were discussing options ect. I decided to do some research and found other items of similar specs but higher prices so I decided I would go back sometime in the near future and buy one. I was over in that end of town while I was doing some errons so I decided to stop in and ask some stupid questions, just so I would know what I was getting myself into. Turns out the system I had my eyes one was gone! But then he started showing me some of the used options available and there was a model with more ram and a Pentium 4 instead of a 3 for the same price. Since it was the only one there I decided not to wait any longer and I bought it. As of tomorrow afternoon I will have a real computer! Tres exciting!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Why does it always rain on me?

So I had a three day weekend this week which is awesome.
Saturday, it was super nice weather for my friends wedding and for all the pictures! It was a really nice wedding very small which made it nice for mingling and catching up with my old friends. I found it quite strange that there were no single people there besides the group of us that went. I've never seen that at a wedding before but we all agreed that we are coming to the age where, everyone is married which I don't find fun, but that's a whole nether story! I was very excited to get to some drinking at the function but for some reason it just wasn't hitting me like it should. The drinks were going down well but at the end of the night, I probably could have still driven.
Sunday we got up and went for brunch with the whole wedding crew (obviously not the bride and groom) but had an enjoyable dining experience with the exception of the slow service. We then went on a secret mission to create a surprise anniversary scrap book which was quite fun. I don't scrapbook very often so it was nice to do something creative. I then headed back to my parents house for fathers day dinner and got to hang out with the fam for awhile which was also nice.
So today was really my only day off but I have done well to do nothing. I did get my ass to the gym and get most of my laundry done, except for the folding part... yuck. So that was pretty productive. I had planed on doing a lot of sitting on the hammock in the back yard reading but for some reason, when ever I have a day off with no plans, it rains at some point and puts a damper on my sun enjoying time.
Here's hoping the next day I have off is hot, humid, and not rainy

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

World Cup!!!

Yes this is my 3rd post in 3 days...quite exciting hey. Every since I couldn't post last week I've had this build up of topics to write about... better ride it while it last!!
So I've been playing soccer since I was 10 or so, but this is my first year watching world cup action. I really enjoy sports but I've always been more of a player then a watcher. I enjoy going out with friends, watching a game and having some beers, which is what I did on Friday night while watching the Poland, Ecuador game. But then found that I really wanted to watch games just for the sake of watching the games. The tournament is only on once every four years after all! Now I'm hooked on watching the games but don't get TSN so can't watch them... How disappointing. I guess that just means I'll have to go out drinking more often during the next month! Mind you it's probably a good thing that I can't watch every game. I"m truly in awe at how far these guys can kick the ball. I imagine when I get on the field, part of me will believe I should be able to kick that far as well and it will frustrated the heck out of me that I can't!
If you get the chance take in a least. Or a bit of one anyway. They have some really cool traditions like switching jerseys with your opponents at the end of the game. That is a good way to get some free clothes. Sure you have to wash it first but think of all the colours that would now be in your wardrobe!
Enjoy the games!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Wonderful World of Blogging

One of the reasons I'm really glad I started blogging, is that it makes it easier to keep up with what is going on in my friends lives. Granted, I only have 3 friends who are blogging, but without it, I wouldn't have know that my friend Tasha and her hubby Matt have bought a house in Pickering. I'm very excited for them because they have been living in a wonderful apartment for the last few years but got married last summer and now have no room for all their stuff. It's quite a crammed little place to be. They also have a big dog, a rabbit and a hampster living in this tiny apartment with them and I think it will be good for them to have some more space. Especially for Winston their golden retriever. Now he'll actually have a yard to run in. It may be a little yard but much more then what he is used to.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Greatest Show on Earth!!

So blogger has been hindering my posting abilities lately, so hopefully this goes through. The worst part is, is that I'm not sure if it's my computer (which I purchased in 1999 so by computer standards is ancient) or if it's the site itself. I did find a possible lead to a new computer for a great price but that's another post cus I have some things I would like to talk about from a week ago. I'll just have to post every day in order to catch up.

So last week, Andrew and I went on one of our first "real" dates where we actually do something instead of just hanging out around the house. A few months ago he bought tickets to the Garden Brothers Circus that comes to Kitchener every year to raise money for the Police Retirees. When they say it's the greatest show on earth, they really aren't kidding. There were A LOT of little children their but it was kind cute watching them play on all the rides, the slide, the elephants, playing with the big snakes, before, after and during the intermission of the show. One of my favorite acts was probably this little poddle who had some amazing training!! The clown was on center stage pretending to have a picnic and this little dog comes running in behind him and "steals" all the food from his picnic. Of course the clown's back is to the food and the children face the clown are trying to tell him about the dog. But everytime he turns around, the dog hides in the picnic basket on the other side of the stage...It was adorable!! The music was even time to his running and hiding and there was no one in site that the dog was taking commands from. Very impressive I must say!
I truly did enjoy the entire show. The acrobats, traipse artists, even the contortionist were quite cool, not as exciting as other but still very cool. The only thing I was disappointed with was the horses. There we're such beautiful animals but really didn't get used to there full potential. Not that they really had the space. But boy did the elephants do some cool things as well!!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Beach bunny fun

So I'm playing beach volleyball this summer. I ended up on a team with a girl I used to work with and a bunch of here friends. These are some of the 20 year olds I was referring to in my previous post. It's a pretty good team, we have a heck of a lot of fun!! Although not enough drinking afterward in my opinion. I even was checking out the league website and realized we get free food at some of the bars in Guelph after our games, but we never seem to partake... I was going to push the issue tonight but I had some errons to run. Next time! So anyway our team is very fun. We don't do very well. We have played for 5 weeks now, with 4 games each week and have now managed to win 4 games... It's very exciting to us. Out of the 5 weeks, I've made it to 3 and, up until tonight, all the games I went, it was raining during the game and the last one we even had a puddle in the middle of our court. Quite messy!! Day was one hell of a nice evening though. Sun was shining, maybe a little in our eyes but that's what you get for forgetting your sunglasses...Shoot! We had some fun joking around with the other teams we played against, and each other, but still, not enough drinking afterward!