So I had wanted to write about this last week but with the computer issuses I was having I just didn't get a chance. The "spring" beach volleyball season ended last week. We were in the 13th place game and ended up losing, coming in 14th. However, it seems that the team has finally been convinced to enjoy a beverage or two after the game, of course it's at the end of the season, but it was still enjoyable. The bar that we most often go to, gives out free nachos to groups of 6 from teams that show up as well as a free burger or sausage to every play who comes. Our group was sitting out side and got a plate of nachos, enjoyed our burgers and beverages but decided to head inside as there was presentaions for the winning teams. Just our luck, when we switched tables, and managed to get a second free plate of nachos!! Wohooo! We sat around, listen to the presentations, marveled over the prises and stated that we would get them from the summer season, then left on our marry way. All in all it was a good time. It was fun to meet and hang out with some new people. Our summer team is esentailly the same except for two of the guys decided not to play with us, which is kind of dissapointing cus they were quite fun. They showed up to our last game drunk, pushing each other down the hill towards the court in a shopping cart. Just to give you an idea of some of their antics.
I've included a picture of the team from the second last game of the season

On a side note, the "summer" team did go out for drinks tonight so it looks like the tradition should continue!
Am I blind or do I just not see you in that pic?
You would have been very proud of the pub-crawl that me & 2 other teachers participated in on the last day of school...
LOL Okay, now I see you. Apparently I was blind on July 2nd.
More posts are necessary new-computer girl.
Go play my "two truths and a lie" game on my blog before it's over.
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