So blogger has been hindering my posting abilities lately, so hopefully this goes through. The worst part is, is that I'm not sure if it's my computer (which I purchased in 1999 so by computer standards is ancient) or if it's the site itself. I did find a possible lead to a new computer for a great price but that's another post cus I have some things I would like to talk about from a week ago. I'll just have to post every day in order to catch up.
So last week, Andrew and I went on one of our first "real" dates where we actually do something instead of just hanging out around the house. A few months ago he bought tickets to the Garden Brothers Circus that comes to Kitchener every year to raise money for the Police Retirees. When they say it's the greatest show on earth, they really aren't kidding. There were A LOT of little children their but it was kind cute watching them play on all the rides, the slide, the elephants, playing with the big snakes, before, after and during the intermission of the show. One of my favorite acts was probably this little poddle who had some amazing training!! The clown was on center stage pretending to have a picnic and this little dog comes running in behind him and "steals" all the food from his picnic. Of course the clown's back is to the food and the children face the clown are trying to tell him about the dog. But everytime he turns around, the dog hides in the picnic basket on the other side of the stage...It was adorable!! The music was even time to his running and hiding and there was no one in site that the dog was taking commands from. Very impressive I must say!
I truly did enjoy the entire show. The acrobats, traipse artists, even the contortionist were quite cool, not as exciting as other but still very cool. The only thing I was disappointed with was the horses. There we're such beautiful animals but really didn't get used to there full potential. Not that they really had the space. But boy did the elephants do some cool things as well!!!
2 weeks ago
Were there any animal activists protesting outside?
Glad that you finally got blogger to work for you.
Ya- a new post!! I went to the circus when it was in Strat one year and I loved it too. I thought they put on a great show and very entertaining for the kids. Glad to know this boy has a name - it will make it less akward when I meet him!
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