So two weeks ago while Andrew and I were shopping, we happened upon this little computer store with really great service (the remembered him from a year ago when he had bought stuff there) and really great prices on computers. I had been thinking about upgrading for a while before that because I've had my machine since I started college in 1999 and it's ridiculously old, slow, and stupid, not to mention totally incompatible with anything! I was worried about the cost and didn't think a new computer would be in my budget, especially since I wanted to get a laptop, I figured I wouldn't be able to find one for under $1000. So when we found this store I got quite excited.
Yesterday we went back to see exactly what they had available, the spec of the machines and of course cost. We left with a flyer and were discussing options ect. I decided to do some research and found other items of similar specs but higher prices so I decided I would go back sometime in the near future and buy one. I was over in that end of town while I was doing some errons so I decided to stop in and ask some stupid questions, just so I would know what I was getting myself into. Turns out the system I had my eyes one was gone! But then he started showing me some of the used options available and there was a model with more ram and a Pentium 4 instead of a 3 for the same price. Since it was the only one there I decided not to wait any longer and I bought it. As of tomorrow afternoon I will have a real computer! Tres exciting!!
2 weeks ago
YA JO!!!!!!! wooo hoooo for the new computer
It is hard to make those big decisions - but a new comp is money well spent. I hope you enjoy it.....and you should name it!!!
Awesome!!!! So, is it a laptop?
lol If you get the same mileage out of this new computer, you'll have it 'til 2013!
I agree with Sandee - name it!
ps now that you have a new computer, Sandee and I will bug you even more to post!
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