Saturday, December 30, 2006

What good excuse can I come up with this time

So it's obvious that I've been terrible at posting again. This time I choose to blame it on sickness! I would say that I would make a new years resolution to write more but I don't really believe in them and therefore it would really work! I caught some sort of evil cold on Christmas Day (that is one reason it is evil... what kind of sickness shows up on Christmas Day) and I haven't been able to kick it. Usually I'll sleep for a day or so and it will go away but this time I had 2 days off and slept, drank lots of fluids and all around rested but it's now worse then it was Thursday night when I proclaimed to be getting better. So there has been quite a bit of on goings in my life over the last few weeks so I'm going to do some posting in installments.. Basically in chronological order, but just really far behind.
So the first installment will talk about something that I was really afraid of and nervous for for a very long time... Andrew finally meet my parents, and I finally meet his, but that will be another installment. Way back on the 17th my mom and dad had my dad's sister and their kids over for the "McLaughlin family Christmas" We really don't see this part of our family very often and it was strange that asked to get together. They are kind of antisocial and choose not to see us with the exception of once a year.. if that. Since Andrew had been proclaiming illness for about a month and using it as an excuse not to meet my parents we decided that he was going to have to come to their house with me so they didn't develop a complex that he didn't want to meet them or something to that effect. So we got there around 3 sat down and drank some beer and started chatting. The evening went very well. My mom, in the middle of dinner, attempted to "interrogate" Andrew but couldn't really come up with any good questions. She didn't even scare me!! She later claimed it was because my brother had made fun of her so she was afraid to ask any questions ect. But we had a very lovely evening. My siblings, Andrew and I went downstairs and played pool on the newly re-finished pool table and he got to chat with all 3 of them plus get a break from the boring adults.
At then end of the evening we get in the car and before I can even close the car door, he says to me... "Your family is awesome... but your aunt and uncle and their kids... are weird!" I laughed have the way home. This comment is only funny to the people who actually know my aunt and uncle, but none the less, it is funny. Plus it gives you an idea of his overall reaction of the evening...

Friday, December 15, 2006

9 shopping days till Christmas

So it's here, that last big weekend before Christmas starts. At my store we're all assuming that next weekend people will have already started celebrating and not doing to much shopping. I have 6 working days left then I'm off for 3 which will be really nice. I haven't had more then two days off in a row in a while so it will be good to enjoy some time off!!
P.S. I got taged this week for a post, six weird things about me, and I'm still working on it. Can't figure out the sixth. Next week for sure!!

Monday, December 04, 2006


So I played forward for the first time in a real soccer game and I scored a goal!!! I almost had 2 other ones too!!! I was so excited it has caused me to blog twice in one day after a very long dry spell!!!
I'm so excited I can't sleep... or maybe it's the fact that I ran for a full hour, hard to say...

By the way, my mom voted for Rheo's over Barrs. We had tried them last year, but I couldn't remember the outcome, good thing I have her around!!

Jingle Bells, batman smells, you know the song.

I haven't thought of that song in a very long time, until it came on over the PA system at work the other day. One of the other mangers and I were complaining about the Christmas music they were playing on the satellite system at the store, and now in every store. It was weird because two weeks ago Friday, I left for the weekend and there was no Christmas music, I came back on the Monday and it was all about Christmas. But not only had we started it but so had everyone else. I guess we passed the day and it was suddenly acceptable, and man was it EVERYWHERE!! So back to my batman version of Jingle Bells, we were complaining because there are no original Christmas songs, it's the same six songs over and over again all day, just different people singing it and adding their own pizzazz if you could call it that. Some of them seriously sound like the singer is on Coke or some crazy thing. It used to be bad in that we would hear the same song day in and day out some times twice in one day, but now it's the same song over and over and over again. Trust me in a 10 hour day you hear Jingle Bells quite a few times. So we were working away and all the sudden the Barenaked Ladies version of Jingle Bells came in and it was the version you used to sing in the playground in elementary school, the whole thing!! Let me tell you, it was a nice break from the sappy slow crap we've been constantly hearing, BLAH!
So truly I am excited about the Christmas season. I really do enjoy Christmas. I take great pride in finding the perfect gift for everyone on my list. I love seeing someone open something they really wanted and never expected to get it, least of all from me. Currently I have 2 people I can not crack and it's driving me nuts. Any unusually gift suggestions would be welcome; I just need Ideas and don't have much time to go shopping, since I hate doing it with to many people around.
I also need opinions from
Stratford people, which is better chocolate, Rheo Thompsons or Barrs Chocolates... Got to give the standard chocolate to the chocoholics...
Enjoy your Christmas shopping folks!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

You don't know how much you miss it until it is gone

I’ve been in a bloging dry spell for quite some time. I haven’t even been able to keep up with friends’ blogs and see how they are doing. What have I been up to, you ask? Well, that is part of the problem, I don’t know. I haven’t been doing anything different then when I was able to blog once or twice a week. I’m still playing soccer once a week, I’m stil working my crazy 47 and a half hours every week and I’m still making it to the gym 3 or 4 times a week. My schedule is essentially the same as it was all summer, and yet somehow, I have much less time and for a lot of things. My house hasn’t been cleaned in so long I don’t remember what my floor looks like, I haven’t seen much of my friends, my e-mails are piling up and I’m ALWAYS tired! I’m not sure what it is, but every year around this time, I feel like I lose 3 extra hours out of every day. Okay maybe it’s only an hour but still. I don’t understand where those 7 hours a week go. I get up at the same time, I go to bed at the same time and yet they just totally disappear. If anyone has any idea how I could find these hours, could you please let me know!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Days off are just not long enough

Inventory is done and over but I'm still feeling very stressed at work. I was talking to our new manager over the phone today and we both agree that there really isn't a team atphmosphere in the store and I think that is a big part of why I'm so frustrated at work right now. Needless to say I was really looking forward to today as it was my day off, even though I was just off Monday. I was really excited for today because I had decided I was going to reorganize my room! Tu, my roomate since May moved out last week so I had a whole empty room again, so I decied to put my computer back in the room and make it my little office. I finally got ride of my old hunk of junk of a computer and have so much room on my desk now it's fantastic. I'm sure i'll fill it up with junk in no time but at least the space is there. My bedroom is also much roomier now as I don't have the desk in the room taking up all that space. Ya more room to thorough my clothes on the ground!!!

After I got my rooms all set up, I spent most of my day goofing around. By the end of my shift last night, my feet were killing me so I decided it was time to get some new work shoes, 6 months of 50 hours a week is alot for a pair of shoes. At the gym today I realized I also hadn't bought a new pair of running shoes in almost two years and there were starting to look pretty worn. I spent about 4 hours shopping for new shoes and finally found a pair of runners for both work and the gym at the same place. All and all it was a good day, just not long enough, I didn't really get to relax all that much, and now i'm trying to prepare my christmas list because before you know it.. that will be here too.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

And the heat is on!!

So it's 7 days till inventory day and I'm still no where near ready for it.... OH YEAH. The good news is that I'm not nearly as stressed as I was. There are plans in place to get thing rolling and I'm confident I can get my shit together. It also helps that we have 7 people in from other stores helping out and unlimited payroll to make sure we are good to go.
I've meet the new manger this week and I'm very excited to work with her. She has been with the company for quite some time and knows a lot, plus she actually does work!! So we should be able to turn things around really well!!! I'm a little concerned that there is going to be a lot of girlie bitching and bullshit but hopefully I can work past that crap.
We also had a visit from the head honco of the Canadian Operations today and it went pretty well considering. He did permit the junior managers to work up to 60 hours as opposed to only the 47.5 and that we are scheduled to so that will help out a lot with the work load. He also managed to get the truck that was to be delivered to us tomorrow canceled so that is also exciting... Yeah to big dudes with power!!!

Monday, September 25, 2006

I don't know what to do with myself!!!

It's official, I'm stressed!!! I just got back from work and I have so much stuff to do that I can't go to sleep. I had to work and "overnight" shift, which is really more of a late night shift, in order to rearrange one of my rooms. The move itself went well, however I didn't realize how much left over stuff there was going to be that, in theory, isn't susposed to be in my store anymore because it's not on my plans. The more likely situation is that the dumbasses in Jersery, where our head office is, forgot to take it all into account. So after we had finished moving everything around and cleaning up the mess we had created, I left instructions for the girls who were working in the morning. Again the Jackasses in Jersey (that has a real ring to it) are screwing me over and sending us 3 trucks this week so I was trying to help them out with the new merchandise that was coming in. My note when something like this; new quilts, ask Jenn, New bed programs, ask Jenn. Ad merchandise that has to stay off the floor, ask Jenn. So essentially I'm just going to let my manager handle everything because I'm so stressed, I don't know where to start. I was thinking about it on my way home and this is way to early to be stressed out. Usually I feel like this around the middle of November which is understandable because of the time frame and so on, but I'm in for a really tough Christmas season if I'm already freaking out....

Thursday, September 21, 2006

This is the song that never ends... it goes on and on my friends

So I had to cut my self short on my title because I really could go on forever. The reason I picked this title is because this has felt like the week that will never end. I had this past weekend off and spent most of it relaxing and being lazy which was very nice. But since tuesday I've been thinking that the next day should be Friday because that is my other day off this week... not that I can afford to be losing that kind of time in my life because there is just soooo much to do, but let me tell you I really need a day off!! We are coming into the 4th quater which is obviously the busyiest time of year in the retail buz. Of course we are getting bombarded with stock. We just got in a new sheet program and I recieved 500 cases of sheets in the last two days that all have to be opened and processed and then I have the fun challenge of finding a home for it all, it a very small store by any standards. In fact, the cases are still filling up the majority of my sales floor space... soo not good. To top it all off, our company has also decied that it would be smart to have physical inventory in the begining of October... yeah, someone should be fired for that decision!!!! So needless to say I'm having my end of the week drink, right now!
We had an interesting chain of events today. The store that i'm now working at, the GM is not a well liked person. He can be very dificult to work with, very self centered and obnoxious but gets nothing done and is in no way supportive. In fact, a few weeks ago when I was staring at a room full of stock, that I had no home for, he said to me... "don't worry, it only gets worse from here!"... mmm thanks for the help Jacka**! Long story short, we were informed today that he is no longer working for the company. We're not sure if he quit or got fired, but really it dosen't matter because he's gone and we should be getting someone to replace him in the next week or so... could be an interesting time!!!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

And the lesson for the day, teamwork!

So I think someone, somewhere, is trying to tell me that I need to learn how to improve my teamwork skills or find a way to influence others to work together. Last night we had the worst soccer game of my life! The team almost literally imploded! There were at least 3 players who wanted to walk off the field, myself being one of them. It wasn't so much that we played horribly, my skill level wasn't up to par, and there were a few others who weren't playing their best games but it was more the issue that we weren't playing together. There was about 6 mini games going on the field but it was all with in our team. It was really disgusting. There were points that we were just yelling at each other which really doesn't help with the team building aspect of things. And then their were the stupid, fundamental mistakes, like passing back with in your own end when your constantly getting beat by the offence to the ball, all the passing going into spaces that were closer to the opposition then to our own team mates which obviously meant that we lost a lot of chances. But the fact that we fought with in our selves for 90% of the game made it the most frustrating of all.
This is not the only area of my life where I am finding team work an issue. I was just recently transferred in my job to a new store, where on the management team of 7 there seems to be 2 who push the other 5's buttons to the point that they don't even bother trying to help out the team members that the do like. It also makes for a really frustrating environment, and I'm having a hard time rising above it, and keeping positive. I'm finding myself getting really involved in gossip and being worried about the actions of others instead of only dealing with what I have to worry about. So maybe that is the real lesson, keeping myself from getting involved in the gossip and other bull that I really don't care about.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Today is the day!

I've decied, no more procrastination!!! I've been "meaning" to clean my house for a few weeks now but keep putting it off for one reason or another. Well today is the day I say, and my roomate got me off to a good start, he had yesterday off and cleaned up the kitchen, now I just have to scrub the floors in there and then I can reorganize my room. It'll be soooo nice to get things organized, since I feel like I'm currently living in KAYOS. I would really like to get my old desktop computer out of here, but I have no idea what to do with it, can you just trash them. I would think it could be of some use to someone, but whom? I think i will have to do some reasearch on this!!!

Update, still procrastinating!! Didn't get the kitchen floors scrubed, but I did get my room reorganized, more of an organized kayos...

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Small things amuse small minds!

I'm so excited!! I just got back from booking the flight for my vacation in Feburary. I still don't have my passport yet, I still have no idea where i'm going but my flight is booked. This means i'm offically going and that is damn exciting! I've even figured out exactuly what day's i'm taking off work, and i'm going in tomorrow to book them off... I can't believe how excited I am over something that cost so much and is still far away!!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

How sad is it when your younger sister can drink you under the table

I'm feeling pressure from my friend Joanna to increase the blog posting as she as just started a blog as well and has quite a few posts up. Today I choose to write about my sister's 19th birthday.

I am the oldest of four kids; with two brothers and one sister and 8 years between me and her as the youngest. Way back when, when i first found out my mom was pregnant again, I was so excited at the prospect of finally getting a sister as I had been putting up with two boys for what felt like a very long time. When she was finally born, I was still very excited and she was an adorable child. I even got to help name her. Those fellings lasted for about 3 years. Between the time she was 4 till she was 10 I was very annoyed with her, at all times! She had the tendancy to be very clingy and I can remember spefic times when my friends, or even some of my brothers' friends, would come over and she would maul them, quite literlaly. I found it irritating and hard to handle. But after I moved out, and went to college, I saw her less frequently so she got on my nerves that much less, but I still never really considered her a friend. Over the last year or so, I feel like we've both really grown up and become more and more like friends. I even went out with her for her 19th birthday this past Sunday. When she asked me a few weeks ago if her and her friends could come down to Waterloo and stay the night if they went out, I assumed i would just stay home as I had to work the next day rather earily , and don't do well on little sleep. (it's amazing how bad it gets when you get older) Anyway things got changed around and I ended up with Monday off so I decided I would tag along with them and having a good time.
It took us a while, but we finally decided where to go, as it was a sunday night and we figured we'd be limited in options so we thought we would start at a pub, grab some food and then wander around downtown waterloo and see what else was open. At every place we hit she would drink more and more, by the end of the night, we had gone to 5 bars, she had had 10 drinks and 5 shots and was still a very reasonable drunk. She claimed she could walk stright but i think that was pushing it a bit. Still no falling down, no passing out and no vomitting, even despite the praire fire, jajermister and the goldshlager shots I bought her. But at the very least, she had a really good time. The final bar we hit was a slimy little country with, you guessed it, Karokee. Her and one of her friends got up and sang a few songs, they even made friends with a group of guys that were there and ended up singing and dancing with them for a few songs too. We were able to get out of there, the whole group in tack and happy!!

Happy Birthday Jan

Monday, August 28, 2006

and the answer is.....

Sorry this took me so long guys... but better late then never.
There are a few answers that I would contest but hey, it's all in good fun.

1. The one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants
know the score or the leader until the contest ends....boxing
2. The North American landmark constantly moving backward...NiagaraFalls. (The rim is worn down about two and a half feet each year because of the millions of gallons of water that rush over it every minute.)
3. The only two vegetables that can live to produce on their own for several growing seasons....asparagus and rhubarb.
4. The only sport in which the ball is always in possession of the team on defense, and the offensive team can score without touching the
5. The fruit with its seeds on the outside...strawberry.
6. How did the pear get inside the brandy bottle? It grew inside the bottle. The bottles are placed over pear buds when they are small, and are wired in place on the tree. The bottle is left in place for the entire growing season. When the pears are ripe, they are snipped off at the stems.
7. Three English words beginning with dw...dwarf, dwell, and dwindle.
8. Fourteen punctuation marks in English grammar..period, comma,colon, semicolon, dash, hyphen, apostrophe, question mark, exclamation point, quotation marks, brackets, parenthesis, braces, and ellipses.
9. The original lakes referred to in Minnesota. The teamwas originally known as the Minneapolis Lakers, and kept the name when they moved west.
10. The seven ways a baseball player can legally reach first base without getting a hit...taking a base on balls (a walk), batter hit by a pitch, passed ball, catcher interference, catcher drops third strike, fielder's choice, and being designated as a pinch-runner.
11. The only vegetable or fruit never sold frozen, canned, processed,cooked, or in any other form but fresh...lettuce.
12. Six or more things you can wear on your feet beginning with "S"... Shoes, socks, sandals, sneakers, slippers, skis, skates, snowshoes,stockings, stilts.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

This is a toughy

I got this e-mail today and thought it would make a good Blog post! There are some really good questions. I'll post the answers later, I want to see how many some of the teacher folk can get right!!!
Good Luck

1. Name the one sport in which neither the spectators nor the participants know the score or the leader until the contest ends.

2. What famous North American landmark is constantly moving backward?

3. Of all vegetables, only two can live to produce on their own for severla growing season. All other vegetables must be replanted every year. What are the only two perennial vegetables?

4 Name the only sport in which the ball is always in possession of the team on defense, and the offensive team can score with out touching the ball?

5. What fruit has its seeds on the outside?

6. In many liquor stores, you can buy pear brandy, with a real pear inside the bottle. The pear is whole and ripe, and the bottle is genuine; it hasn't been cut in any way. How did the pear get inside the bottle?

7. Only three words in standard English begin with the letters "dw"and they are all common words. Name two of them.

8. There are 14 punctuation marks in English grammar. Can you name at least half of them?

9. Where are the lakes that are referred to in the Los Angeles Lakers?

10. There are 7 ways a baseball player can legally reach first basewithout getting a hit. Taking a base on balls (a walk) is one way. Name the other 6.

11. Name the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form except fresh.

12. Name 6 or more things that you can wear on your feet beginning with the letter "S."

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


I've been working full time for 4 years now and for one reason or another, I’ve only taken 1 week vacation. Usually because I've been starting a new job so I’m not entitled to the paid time off and can't afford to take off without pay. I assumed this was the case at my current job, I’ve only been there for 4 months now so I figured I didn't have any time owed to me, I was wrong so I took advantage of it post haste! I had already arranged to have the Friday, Saturday and Sunday off so I could go up to my Aunt's Camp, as they call it in Northern Ontario which is just west of Sudbury. So I sweet talked the manager into also giving me Thursday off, which gave me a full day to drive there, one for driving back and two full days there. First of all, it was a good think that I didn't try to drive on the Thursday night after I was done work at 5. I forgot how boring driving for 6 hours on your own is. I have a bad habit of falling asleep as soon as it gets dark also so it probably wouldn't have been very safe either. The other reason it was a good think I didn't try to drive at night is because the camp is buried 30 min off of HWY 17 in, basically the middle of a bush, with a lake in the middle of it. The road twists and turns and you actually lose sight of the road quite a few times. It's also very difficult to drive a standard vehicle up steep hills on gravel so there were 2 hills I had to try to take twice. I also had left gas as long as I could in hopes to find it cheap somewhere, not thinking that I would be literally in the middle of nowhere and an hour away from a gas station. Needless to saw the beginning of my drive home involved a lot of praying of sorts, but that's another story.
So I arrived around dinner on Thursday night which was also my mother's birthday so that was a nice treat to see her, since I really haven't seen or hung out with her for quite some time. My dad, aunt and my parents’ friends who were also over for my mom's birthday made an amazing steak and potato dinner, the only thing missing was corn on the cob, but we had that the next night. We also made a camp fire and watched the stars which were awesome because we were so far away from civilization, the stars were so nice and bright and the fire created a nice relaxing atmosphere.
So I had an awesome sleep which I was surprised at because of the not so soft looking bed but it was really very comfortable. So we all slept in a bit and enjoyed a nice big breakfast and then said goodbye to my parents’ friends. The rest of the day, my mom and dad, my aunt and I spent sitting on the back deck, facing the gorgeous lake and reading. My aunt and I did take a break from all the excitement to go for a little paddle boat ride which was enjoyable. I haven't been on one of those for years. But it was a good way to see the whole lake settlement which is quite big. Around dinner my brother came with his puppy who is a 2 and a half year old Rottwhiler, and the sweetest little thing you could ever meet. Pat and I goofed around with his dog for a bit and got to chat and hang out in general. We also had a sit in the Sauna which is one of my favorite things to do but I’ve realized that I don't enjoy steam baths, and i understand why they tell you not to put water on the elements anymore, doesn’t make for a very good experience. I tried going into the lake after the sauna but was just to chicken to take the cold water. I haven't done much swimming for a very long time and had wanted to swim to the island that was about 100' from my aunt's dock but thought better of it since I might get half way there and not be able to swim back. We had another campfire and some more star gazing which lead into another really good night's sleep.
The next morning I got up and tried to go for a run. I took the dog with me but he is so attached to my brother that we would just get off my aunt's property and he would stop, turn around and look for my brother. So back he went. I ended up taking a walk instead of a run because the hills were so killer. I would be running down and feel like I was going to slide down and hurt something so I decided that walking was better then nothing and still ended up working up a pretty good sweat. After I got back, my dad and brother decided they wanted to go fishing. They tried to bring the dog along with them but he was to chicken to get in the boat (he is a big suck) Once they were about 20' from the dock, he realized my brother was going away from him, he jumped in the water and tried to swim after him. The poor dog got about 80' out and then started swimming in circles because he was tired. My aunt being the wonderful person she is grabbed her Kayak and went out to rescue him. The made it to a sand bar and transfer Zeke into the boat. And no they didn't catch any fish! The rest of the day was a lot of lounging around and reading but I ended up going on a Kayak tour of the island which was fun because it was my first time in a Kayak. My other aunt, her husband and their 2 kids showed up and we all ended up going swimming. We had another big dinner and another nice campfire and yet another good sleep. But that was the end of the vacation time. I did mange to get a lot of sun which was really nice. For the first time in a long time I'm a nice and dark colour, no pasty white for me :)

Friday, August 04, 2006

Heading to the old country!

I've have started to plan my on trip to the old country, where my good friend Christelli is now! Another one of my friends has been overseas since April, her plan was to go with SWAP, which is an agency that helps you find work and accommodations internationally and of course get your visa. Her intention was to go there for a year and work and live in both England and Ireland. She started in Ireland where she ran into a lot of trouble getting work and getting paid. After that she decided to just travel and forget about the working crap! She has now run out of money and is kind of bored by not working so she is on her way home. However she can't return on her original ticket until October and can not wait that long so she has decided to purchase another return trip, come home on that now and then head back to England in the winter for some more traveling.
My original plan was to go over and visit her in the winter (when I had enough money saved) and then return with her when she came back home from her year away. Plans have now changed! Even when she was talking of coming back early, I still had wanted to go overseas because it's something I have wanted to do for a really long time, and if I don't make the plans, I'm never going to go! So now, I am going to go back with her on her trip back and we are going to be in Europe for 10 days, it should be a great time. WE really haven't decided what all were going to do or see, were just in the preliminary stages of planning, in fact I still haven't got my ticket or passport yet. But it is very exciting to know that I am finally going on a real vacation!!!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

When time just slips away

So it's been a while since I wrote anything in my blog. I've been trying to figure out why and I've come up with a few reasons. First I went on a mini vacation with Andrew to Niagara Falls. I had 3 days off work in a row and it was a really nice relaxing time. We thought we would be smart and head up the Saturday afternoon and stay till the monday afternoon. It worked out well because there was less people around (at the hotel anyway) and we got the room fairly cheap on the sunday night. We decided to go to Clifton Hill on Saturday which was kinda silly because it was a zoo. But still fun!
So back to my excuses, because of the 3 days in a row off, I had to work the next 7 in a row which tends to be a little taxing.... ahhh the problems with only having 2 weeks vacation and wanting to use it to go across the ocean.
So my day off was this Tuesday and I went to my parents house. I always enjoy being there because it's such a relaxing place to be. Nice and quite area in the country. No one to bother you unless you choose to see people. Plus they have a really nice yard and pool and my mom always finds a way to keep the house super cool, even in the dead heat of summer. The hole reason I went home was because I had a Doctor's appointment and I also had my car into the mechanics to get it's check up as well. I realized how long it's been since I've been home because there were so many changes... and in the country, things don't change that fast. First of all they FINALLY paved the entire road between the highway and my parents place. And they had pretty much the hole thing completed which typically takes them the entire summer, government workers of course.
The church my family goes to, also finally tore down the parish hall which had been condemned for about 3 years now, so really it was about time. It was just awkward seeing this empty space where the yellow building used to be!
They also tore down the baseball diamond that we used to play on as kids. I saw this new development the last time I was home. But they have now built 3 more soccer fields in the space where they diamond was. Turns out there is a HUGE craving for kids soccer in rural Ontario. The new fields were all for the little guys, 5 and 6 years old so they were really small fields. I ended up watching the game that 2 of my cousins played in and it was really cute. There was really only one player on each team who was actually interested in playing, of course on of the older ones, but my cousin was one of them and he was quite good. Made some excellent shots and some really good deaks. Of course it's not very difficultly to deak around someone who was just picking the grass but he still had some good moves!!
So my other excuses for not bloging this week are that I've been sooooooooooooo bloody tired. I went to bed at like 9 two nights in a row and still felt like I was dragging my ass around all day. I even attempted going to the gym one day. I figured that once I got going, I would kinda wake up, but no such luck!! I ended up going to they gym again today and having a great workout and feeling fantastic because of it!! Mmmm maybe I'll attempt to take on the world now!

Monday, July 17, 2006

When the Images in your head are better then the movie.

I finished reading the Da Vinci Code about a month ago now and I just finally watched the movie. I wasn't in to much of a rush to watch it because most of the people who I know that saw it didn't think much of it but I still wanted to see it for myself. I have to say, everyone was right. I was amazed how quickly it went thought the beginning of the book and how close it was to the actual story line. The other adaptations I've watched recently had really strayed but they were the Harry Potter series and the movies would have had to have been 18 hours long to include everything. I thought the producers had done a good job of keeping it fairly close to the original story line with out letting it drag on. As for the Da Vinci code however, I felt like the took the most interesting parts and smashed them to hell and then took the boring parts and made them seem important. Not to mention they didn't even begin to explain the actual "code" to the lengths it was in the book which made the movie hard to follow. My advice to anyone who has watched the movie, read the book, it will shed a hole new light on the story line for you.
I also got to see a good movie this weekend, Pirates of the Caribbean; Dead Man's Chest. I watch the first one and really enjoyed it but can't remember specifics so I'm not sure which one was better. Johnny Depp once again gives a stellar performance. I don't think there could have been another actor do that character nearly as well as he does. It's a must see!!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Reviewing Dan Brown

So I'm not much of a book reviewer but I just finished reading Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and before that I had read the DiVinci code so felt it was important for me to comment on these things.
I was quite excited to read the divines Code. My dad had read it and really enjoyed it, as well as a lot of my friends. The hype surrounding the new movie that came out while I was half way thought the book was also a good motivator. I found the book very interesting especially in terms of hearing about that part of history from another side of the story. I was raised in a strict catholic family, went to a straight laced catholic elementary school, hung out only with people from my church / school and really didn't get invovled with people of other backgrounds until I was in College so my experiences slash knowledge of certain things was very limited. It was refreshing to hear of something different without having to read some boring journal or newspaper article, which I don't read much of.
For the most part I thought the book was a rather exciting concept. In fact, at some point in the middle, I was so excited that I was late for work one day because I couldn't put the book down. But then I found that it dragged on for about 3 chapters, then pick up a bit again, then drag. Overall I enjoyed the book but I think I was just not used to his writing style.
As for Angels and Demons, I went though rollercoaster feelings about it as well. There were parts that I thought were very interesting, then I thought there were parts that could have been interesting but the way he had written them were just weird and then there were parts that I just couldn't grasp. Not because of lack of understanding but more because of lack of acceptance because it didn't fit in with what I believe. I also have to say that then end of the book, with the two in the Hotel Room was really dumb! It felt like they just got together because they were of the opposite sex and happened to be in the same place at the same time.
So really, I guess a book that can create that many different emotions and responses can't be bad at all!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Soccer extravaganza!!

This weekend was all about soccer for me! I've talked quite a bit about the volleyball league I play in this summer but I also play soccer on Friday nights on a co-ed intramural league. It's quite a fun team with a lot of really experienced players that are teaching me ways to improve my skills and really helping me out in the mean time. The fact that I'm doing some running on my own helps my fitness level a lot to and I seem to be playing a lot better then I ever remember playing, which also makes it very fun. The downfall to the league is that because it's rec, the conveners have decided not to implement reefes of the field so every game there ends up being some sort of bickering, about calls, roughness a plays and even the rules in general which is frustrating and very annoying. These discussions sometimes last even well into the week. Because our team is filled with experience players, we are getting the reputation as a rough team which is disappointing because that's really not what I'm in the game for. It seems that our players, because of their skill level and how accustomed they are to the game tend to push and shove a little more then some teams expect. Some of these teams expect there should never be physical contact on the field... Which to them I say, go play baseball! I think the saddest part of the whole seniero is that it could all be solved by having an impartial person that to say, hey you know what that was a little to much, or nope you need to stop whining... The nice thing is that generally, after the game, our team still goes out for a few drinks which obviously creates a little more team spirit.
So that was my Friday, Saturday, unfortunately, I had to work so I missed out on the Germany Portugal game which I'm very excited that Germany won, not only because they were the home team, but also because Portugal played like a bunch of wusy for most of the games I watched them in. That Christiano Ronaldo has got to be the biggest faker I've ever seen in my life! The constant diving and looking for calls gives the game a bad name a bad vibe.
Sunday morning, I got up and went to church for the first time in a few months. Then I went to the gym, did a quick weight workout and then headed to waterloo park and played pickup with a few guys from my team for a few hours. Right after the game was over, Andrew and I headed to his place and watched the World Cup final. I have to say it was one of the best games I've seen the whole tournament. With actual goals in the game, that's quite impressive. That was the first time I'd watch the French captain Zidane play and he is quite an impressive player. I was disappointed in his head butt, it seemed a little unsportsman like but I'm glad to hear the still won the Golden Ball award as he was an awesome force for his team thoughout the tournament.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Really starting to annoy me!!!

So this post is more of a plee for help then anything else. My internet is RETARDED! Sorry if that word offends anyone. At my old job, one of the ladies was pregnant and got really made when I said that cus she thought her baby would become mental challanged if I kept saying, pregnat women, jeez! But back to my crisis. About 80% percent of the time that i'm on the web, I keep getting an error message, saying the website can't be found, no matter what site it is!!
Sometimes it's just a problem on Yahoo, sometimes just one or two sites, and sometimes it's everything. I have ultra lite high speed and i'm not sure if I upgrade, if that will solve the problem or just mean that i'm paying more for the same crap. I also live in a very old house and thought that maybe it was the orignial connection, but they've just replaced that so that theroy is out... Any ideas on how to solve the problem, please... let me know!!

Side note... please forgive the horrid spelling, the spell check on Blogger isn't work and I don't have my wordproceessing program up... i'm very sorry Christy

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Now it's the internet connection...what next

So last week I got my new computer hooked up and online. I had it running for 4 days. I get home from work sunday, and my connection is totally down! The modem wasn't online and it wasn't connecting to my computer, nothing. So I call Rogers to get some troubleshooting assistance but they couldn't fix it over the phone and had to make an appointment (for Wednessday) to come and check it out. With my connection being down, I did get alot more stuff done, like I actually got my house cleaned, I got to do some reading, watched on of the best soccer games I've seen durning the world cup this year, and even got to do some quality napping. So on wednesday, the technician shows up around 9 and starts playing with and testing everything to find out what is wrong. Two and a half hours later, he's finally got it up and running after running a new wire to the house from the underground cable and another one from the house connection to my appartment. He ended up making some new holes in the house, and there are wires hanging all over the place, so I don't know how happy my new landlords are going to be, but hey, I have internet access!! I just hope nothing else goes wrong with my sytems for the next little while!!!!

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Volleyball fun

So I had wanted to write about this last week but with the computer issuses I was having I just didn't get a chance. The "spring" beach volleyball season ended last week. We were in the 13th place game and ended up losing, coming in 14th. However, it seems that the team has finally been convinced to enjoy a beverage or two after the game, of course it's at the end of the season, but it was still enjoyable. The bar that we most often go to, gives out free nachos to groups of 6 from teams that show up as well as a free burger or sausage to every play who comes. Our group was sitting out side and got a plate of nachos, enjoyed our burgers and beverages but decided to head inside as there was presentaions for the winning teams. Just our luck, when we switched tables, and managed to get a second free plate of nachos!! Wohooo! We sat around, listen to the presentations, marveled over the prises and stated that we would get them from the summer season, then left on our marry way. All in all it was a good time. It was fun to meet and hang out with some new people. Our summer team is esentailly the same except for two of the guys decided not to play with us, which is kind of dissapointing cus they were quite fun. They showed up to our last game drunk, pushing each other down the hill towards the court in a shopping cart. Just to give you an idea of some of their antics.
I've included a picture of the team from the second last game of the season

On a side note, the "summer" team did go out for drinks tonight so it looks like the tradition should continue!

Excuses, excuses, excuses!

So I haven't posted in over a week but I swear it's all because I couldn't get online. I got my new computer over a week ago now and had it up and running right when I got it home. The next day however, I tried and the connection could not be found. I had to resort to the beast to get my e-mail, check my banking ect and spent any free time I had trying to figure out why I couldn't get online. So Tuesday I had the day off and spent most of the evening talking to Andrew's roomate trying to figure out what was wrong cus he is the network pro. Even he couldn't see a soultion because the modem was finding my computer and the computer was finding the modem but it just wasn't working. I broke down yesterday morning and called Rogers, who was of no help either. I went digging for my old router, which i finally found and then last night, Tu and I got both of our computers set up online! I even got to start downloading stuff today, quite fun. It's still being a little saucy but for the most part it is working so that is good news! Turns out the majority of my problem stemed from the movement of the original connection when Tu moved in, we've now got the router and modem set up in the orignal place, instead of paying rogers, 35 bucks to come in and change it, jerks, and everything is working okay!
This should mean more posting from me...yah! I just have to get the new accesories that I need like my wireless card and router then will be all high tech and stuff.
Happy Thursday to you all

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Finally caught up to Technology!! Well sort of :)

So two weeks ago while Andrew and I were shopping, we happened upon this little computer store with really great service (the remembered him from a year ago when he had bought stuff there) and really great prices on computers. I had been thinking about upgrading for a while before that because I've had my machine since I started college in 1999 and it's ridiculously old, slow, and stupid, not to mention totally incompatible with anything! I was worried about the cost and didn't think a new computer would be in my budget, especially since I wanted to get a laptop, I figured I wouldn't be able to find one for under $1000. So when we found this store I got quite excited.
Yesterday we went back to see exactly what they had available, the spec of the machines and of course cost. We left with a flyer and were discussing options ect. I decided to do some research and found other items of similar specs but higher prices so I decided I would go back sometime in the near future and buy one. I was over in that end of town while I was doing some errons so I decided to stop in and ask some stupid questions, just so I would know what I was getting myself into. Turns out the system I had my eyes one was gone! But then he started showing me some of the used options available and there was a model with more ram and a Pentium 4 instead of a 3 for the same price. Since it was the only one there I decided not to wait any longer and I bought it. As of tomorrow afternoon I will have a real computer! Tres exciting!!

Monday, June 19, 2006

Why does it always rain on me?

So I had a three day weekend this week which is awesome.
Saturday, it was super nice weather for my friends wedding and for all the pictures! It was a really nice wedding very small which made it nice for mingling and catching up with my old friends. I found it quite strange that there were no single people there besides the group of us that went. I've never seen that at a wedding before but we all agreed that we are coming to the age where, everyone is married which I don't find fun, but that's a whole nether story! I was very excited to get to some drinking at the function but for some reason it just wasn't hitting me like it should. The drinks were going down well but at the end of the night, I probably could have still driven.
Sunday we got up and went for brunch with the whole wedding crew (obviously not the bride and groom) but had an enjoyable dining experience with the exception of the slow service. We then went on a secret mission to create a surprise anniversary scrap book which was quite fun. I don't scrapbook very often so it was nice to do something creative. I then headed back to my parents house for fathers day dinner and got to hang out with the fam for awhile which was also nice.
So today was really my only day off but I have done well to do nothing. I did get my ass to the gym and get most of my laundry done, except for the folding part... yuck. So that was pretty productive. I had planed on doing a lot of sitting on the hammock in the back yard reading but for some reason, when ever I have a day off with no plans, it rains at some point and puts a damper on my sun enjoying time.
Here's hoping the next day I have off is hot, humid, and not rainy

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

World Cup!!!

Yes this is my 3rd post in 3 days...quite exciting hey. Every since I couldn't post last week I've had this build up of topics to write about... better ride it while it last!!
So I've been playing soccer since I was 10 or so, but this is my first year watching world cup action. I really enjoy sports but I've always been more of a player then a watcher. I enjoy going out with friends, watching a game and having some beers, which is what I did on Friday night while watching the Poland, Ecuador game. But then found that I really wanted to watch games just for the sake of watching the games. The tournament is only on once every four years after all! Now I'm hooked on watching the games but don't get TSN so can't watch them... How disappointing. I guess that just means I'll have to go out drinking more often during the next month! Mind you it's probably a good thing that I can't watch every game. I"m truly in awe at how far these guys can kick the ball. I imagine when I get on the field, part of me will believe I should be able to kick that far as well and it will frustrated the heck out of me that I can't!
If you get the chance take in a least. Or a bit of one anyway. They have some really cool traditions like switching jerseys with your opponents at the end of the game. That is a good way to get some free clothes. Sure you have to wash it first but think of all the colours that would now be in your wardrobe!
Enjoy the games!!

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Wonderful World of Blogging

One of the reasons I'm really glad I started blogging, is that it makes it easier to keep up with what is going on in my friends lives. Granted, I only have 3 friends who are blogging, but without it, I wouldn't have know that my friend Tasha and her hubby Matt have bought a house in Pickering. I'm very excited for them because they have been living in a wonderful apartment for the last few years but got married last summer and now have no room for all their stuff. It's quite a crammed little place to be. They also have a big dog, a rabbit and a hampster living in this tiny apartment with them and I think it will be good for them to have some more space. Especially for Winston their golden retriever. Now he'll actually have a yard to run in. It may be a little yard but much more then what he is used to.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Greatest Show on Earth!!

So blogger has been hindering my posting abilities lately, so hopefully this goes through. The worst part is, is that I'm not sure if it's my computer (which I purchased in 1999 so by computer standards is ancient) or if it's the site itself. I did find a possible lead to a new computer for a great price but that's another post cus I have some things I would like to talk about from a week ago. I'll just have to post every day in order to catch up.

So last week, Andrew and I went on one of our first "real" dates where we actually do something instead of just hanging out around the house. A few months ago he bought tickets to the Garden Brothers Circus that comes to Kitchener every year to raise money for the Police Retirees. When they say it's the greatest show on earth, they really aren't kidding. There were A LOT of little children their but it was kind cute watching them play on all the rides, the slide, the elephants, playing with the big snakes, before, after and during the intermission of the show. One of my favorite acts was probably this little poddle who had some amazing training!! The clown was on center stage pretending to have a picnic and this little dog comes running in behind him and "steals" all the food from his picnic. Of course the clown's back is to the food and the children face the clown are trying to tell him about the dog. But everytime he turns around, the dog hides in the picnic basket on the other side of the stage...It was adorable!! The music was even time to his running and hiding and there was no one in site that the dog was taking commands from. Very impressive I must say!
I truly did enjoy the entire show. The acrobats, traipse artists, even the contortionist were quite cool, not as exciting as other but still very cool. The only thing I was disappointed with was the horses. There we're such beautiful animals but really didn't get used to there full potential. Not that they really had the space. But boy did the elephants do some cool things as well!!!

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Beach bunny fun

So I'm playing beach volleyball this summer. I ended up on a team with a girl I used to work with and a bunch of here friends. These are some of the 20 year olds I was referring to in my previous post. It's a pretty good team, we have a heck of a lot of fun!! Although not enough drinking afterward in my opinion. I even was checking out the league website and realized we get free food at some of the bars in Guelph after our games, but we never seem to partake... I was going to push the issue tonight but I had some errons to run. Next time! So anyway our team is very fun. We don't do very well. We have played for 5 weeks now, with 4 games each week and have now managed to win 4 games... It's very exciting to us. Out of the 5 weeks, I've made it to 3 and, up until tonight, all the games I went, it was raining during the game and the last one we even had a puddle in the middle of our court. Quite messy!! Day was one hell of a nice evening though. Sun was shining, maybe a little in our eyes but that's what you get for forgetting your sunglasses...Shoot! We had some fun joking around with the other teams we played against, and each other, but still, not enough drinking afterward!

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Small things amuse small minds

So for the past week or so I've been so excited because I got asked for ID twice in two days. When your 26 that feels pretty damn good. I find that I have the ability to confuse people about my age. Some think I'm closer to 30, which after they say this I almost throttle them, where as most think I'm in my early 20's. Usually I end up being closer to the guessers age, in their eyes, which works to my benefit because I can fit in well with all different age groups. Which means I still feel comfortable hanging out with 20 year olds, mind you not to often! This also allows me to believe I never have to grow up!!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The bastard ate all my crackers.

So the long weekend has now come and gone. It's always nice to have an extra day off and being in the retail industry, it's not very often you get 2 days in a row off since you work evenings and weekends. So I was super excited when I got 3 days in a row off with out even asking. Typically I spend the May 24 weekend outside, having camp fires and drinking with friends but this one was extra cold in comparison to other years. This year was also weird because I spent the whole weekend hanging out with one person and that was this guy that I have just started seeing. We did go into the weekend with good intentions, hang out Friday night, do some shopping Saturday, meet up with some friends for dinner in the evening. I expected to kinda part ways on Sunday and do more of our own thing as I had other people to hang out with including some birthdays to celebrate. I was shocked to find that we ended up spending, literally, the entire weekend together and not really hanging out with anyone else. The dinner plans bailed on Saturday and the plans with my friends for Sunday ended up shifting to Monday which was the only time we were really with other people but they gave me their "approval" of him, so it's was good in the end.
We are both people who enjoy and are used to having our own space so we were both really shocked that we also didn't kill each other. But since we didn't make it a hetic weekend with all kinds of things to do and people to see, I think that really helped and really helped us to get to know each other better which was very cool!
Needless to say it was a very relaxing and enjoyable weekend. We ended up watching a British television show that he has downloaded called "Coupling" and I am now hooked on as well as watching Mission Impossible 3 which isn't as exciting at the previous 2 in my opinion and listening to the Chris Rock HBO special, damn that guy is funny!! We even managed to do a little shopping and eat some good food, including tacos that he made...Very cool. Unfortunately, when I went to make my lunch for work, I realized the little weasel at all my crackers. All in all thought, a very good weekend.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

So I've kinda been at a writers block for the last few days and haven't had anything good to write. I've also been busy at work, and tired so sleeping has been taking up a lot of my time. So I decided I would copy something from Christelli and Sandee to make an interesting blog entry. Here it goes


I AM stronger on the outside then on the inside
I WANT a new computer, cus mine is way to slow
I WISH I had more self confidence
I HATE closed mindedness
I HEAR silence..It's nice
I WONDER if I will have any regrets when I'm older
I REGRET not being more impulsive
I AM NOT patient enough
I DANCE to the weirdest songs ont he speakers at work.
I SING when ever I'm alone
I CRY when I watch Jack... It gets me every time!!
I AM NOT ALWAYS full of energy
I WRITE really, only blogs and grocery lists
I CONFUSE myself
I NEED more time!!
I SHOULD be kinder to others, especially my siblings.
I START drawings that I never finish
I FINISH eating everything on my plate, cus that's what my gramma told me to do

so now i need to get my plans strightened out for the long weekend. Yeehaaa!

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hanging out with the toilet bowl

So I never get sick, and when I do, I fell a little rough for about 3 hours or so and then I'm good to go for the rest of the day. I took advantage of this quite frequently as a kid and would take days off of school when I was just a little queasy. Unfortunately this caught up with me yesterday. I woke up with a bit of a tummy ache at 5 am, a half hour before I actually had to get up for work, I hate it when that happens! So I got up, drank a little water and then slept again until my alarm went off. I got up, had my shower and started thinking about what I should bring for my lunch for work... Which I really didn't want to think about. This should have been my first clue that I should have just stayed home. I am a very good eater, probably too good, and when I can't even think about eating, it's not going to be a good day! So I started driving to work... Debating on weather I would actually go because I was susposed to be helping out at the Etobicoke store, and meeting my ride in Guelph. So that would suck to be sick and stuck in Etobicoke with no car. Well at one point, very close to Guelph, I got the feeling I should really pull over. I'll spare you the details but needless to say I didn't make it to the side of the road. At that point I called my ride, told her I wouldn't be going and turned around to drive back home. By the time I got home, all I wanted to do was sleep, but I had a mess to clean up in my car first. So I spent the rest of a beautiful sunny day sleeping and hanging with my toilet bowl. Luckily I feel much better today but it wasn't looking so good at 10 o'clock at night. Hopefully I'll make it throughout today!!
Wish me Luck

Friday, May 05, 2006

The Joys of Runninng..

So I've been trying to think about what to write in my second post all week. Don't want to let me friends down and only write one post! As I was running today I was thinking about how much I enjoy this new found activity of mine and thought it would make a pretty good topic.
For most of my life I always wanted to be in shape and able to run miles and be the best at all types of sports. As a kid I was fairly lazy so that managed to keep me away from doing activities, but as I got older I stared to rely on physical activity. For the last 3 years or so I've been fairly consistent at running at least 3 times a week, weather it's in the gym during the winter or outside in the warmer months. All this time I thought that it was just me who found running outside to be incredible difficult. When at the gym I could run for 20 min straight on the treadmill with out much problem but when it came to running out side, I was lucky to be able to run for 4 minutes with 2 minute cheater intervals in between. Eventually by the end of the summer I would get much better, something like 10 minutes running and 2 minutes walking, but of course every spring I would have to start over at my weenie little pace. This year I've been working with a personal trainer so not only has she helped me to improve my physically appearance, body composition and strength, she has also helped me to improve my cardiovascular levels. I can get my heart rate from 170 down to 120 in something like 2 min which is pretty much ridiculous!! So about a week or two ago I started running outside again, since it's finally getting nice and warm out, and I mentioned to her how much I struggle with the switch. I was relieved to find out that she has the same problem and in fact, doesn't like to run outside because she just can't perform as well. That was enough to encourage me to keep trying and I've now been able to increase my run time from 3 to 4 minutes in only one week. I know it sounds wimp but I'm proud so there. I am planning on running in a 5km marathon in June, so I still have quite a ways to go...
Wish me luck!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Bowing to Pressure

So I've finaly caved to the pressure and joined the bloging Community. My friends have been bloging for quite some time and I enjoy reading there posts so I thought I should just start up my own too. Hopefully I'll be half as interesting as they are.
I'll give you a little background on my. I grew up in small town Ontario, just outside of Stratford. I have 2 younger brothers and a younger sister whom I get along with very well, now that we don't live together. I live in a house in Waterloo, with my friend (who just moved in today) but have been living by myself for the last 2 years so this could be an interesting change. I've recently gone though some interesting life changes (4 jobs In the last year) but fell like I've finally come back to my calling as a junior manager for a big box retail store, where I hope to someday run my own store. I enjoy sports and outdoor activities like rollerblading, definitely my fav thing to do in the Spring and Summer!!
Well I think that's enough of an intro, till next time.